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Dec 06, 2021
Dec 20, 2021
Dec 27, 2021
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Home Page Stories
The Rotary is happy to announce that starting May 10 we will be meeting in person at Mitchell Hill at the Roberge Center, 50 N. Main St, Rochester. We meet on Mondays from 12:15-1:15 PM. Come check us out, stay for lunch (only $13) and join the Rochester NH Rotary Club. Can't come in person? Email us and we will send a link to join us remotely. Meetings on April 26 and May 3 are remote only.  #ServiceAboveSelf 
Paint the City Blue
The third Saturday in September is designated as National Thank a Police Officer Day. Now in our fourth year, a dedicated group of community members from a variety of local organizations and businesses will recognize National Thank a Police Officer Day and our Rochester Police Department on September 18, 2021. We are very blessed to have such dedicated law enforcement professionals who are so committed to our citizens, businesses and our community.
A committee has been formed consisting of representatives from the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Rochester Rotary Club, Holy Rosary Credit Union, The Rochester Elks Lodge #1393, Groen Construction and Rochester Main Street to recognize the positive impact that the Rochester Police Department has on our community. Our goal is to have visual displays throughout the City showing our support for our men and women in blue. We will be decorating public spaces with blue lights, bows, garland and the like, in order to "Paint the City Blue". We are also encouraging residents and businesses to formulate their own displays at their addresses within the City.
To Support our Effort:
A minimum $100.00 "Annual Supporter" Sponsorship will have your company listed on our website & Social Media.  For other sponsorship opportunities, see the Flyer below.
Please NOTE THAT YOUR DONATION IS FOR NTPOD (National Thank a Police Officer Day)!
Rotarians Kathy Sessler and John Hall deliver gift cards purchased at various Rochester restaurants to staff working on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic at Frisbie Memorial Hospital.  From left to right: T.J. Jean (VP Operations FMH), Kathy Sessler, John Hall, Jeff Scionti (CEO FMH), and Matt Untch (CFO FMH).
In order to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus in our community, the Rochester Rotary Club has suspended all in-person lunch meetings until June 15th. Instead, the club will be providing virtual meeting opportunities. For details on virtual meetings, please email President Al Johnson at [email protected]
The Rochester Rotary club has adopted a new donation program! Each quarter, the Rochester Rotary club will accept applications from organizations seeking funding. These applications will give our Donations Committee the information they need to make decisions about how the club’s money should be used to benefit the community. We are now accepting donation requests through September 30th. Please download the application form HERE. It is our hope that this program will allow us to make more substantial donations and have a bigger impact on our community.
Thanks to a generous donation from Eastern Propane's Swing for Charities Fundraiser, Rochester Rotary was able to provide 300 dictionaries to all the 3rd graders in Rochester again this year! Special thanks to John Hall for coordinating the Rotary Dictionaries project and to Cider Berry and Penny Mabey of Eastern Propane for sponsoring this wonderful literacy program. 
Rotarians John Hall (far left) & Cider Berry (far right) stand with Penny Mabey of Eastern Propane and the 3rd grade class at Nancy Loud School to show off their new dictionaries.
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